Get Involved — Refugee Resources
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We serve to share the hope of the gospel with refugee families as we empower students with literacy skills built through mentor relationships.

The Reading Circle offers individualized learning sessions throughout the week. The Preschool Circle is a group setting offered once per week at rotating centers.

To sign-up as a volunteer, follow the link below:


Reading Circle
5:00 – 6:30 pm

Reading Circle
6:30 – 8:00 pm

12:30 - 1:30 pm

Reading Circle
6:30 – 8:00 pm




Becoming a volunteer is easy. 


To get involved in mentoring, an individual goes through the following steps. First, sign up as a volunteer on the Refugee Resources’ website. During the signup process, you will be asked to submit two recommendations. Next, individuals will go through a background check and recommendations will be checked. Once these items have been vetted, individuals will be asked to attend an orientation. Orientations are held once a month and highlight the resettlement process of refugee families while also giving a detailed overview of the programs. *Ideally, you would attend an orientation before the next steps; however, exceptions can be made to attend after, if an orientation has just passed. 

Next, individuals will be sent specific training videos on literacy strategies, our Bible curriculum, and one from the Child Advocacy Center. The last step is to come to either Reading Circle or Preschool Circle and shadow another mentor. From there, you are ready to choose when you would like to serve! The following options are available: Mondays from 5:00-6:30 pm, Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00 pm, Wednesdays (Preschool Circle) from 12:15-1:45 pm, and Thursdays from 6:30-8:00 pm. We are thrilled that you are thinking about becoming a Refugee Resources’ mentor and hope that you spend time in prayer considering this opportunity to change the lives of refugee students in our community!


Upcoming Events and Trainings

Are you ready to sign up as a Reading Circle or Preschool Circle Volunteer?
Please complete the application form below. 

( If YOU Are here to complete a Volunteer Recommendation Form, go here. )




Did you finish the application?  Hooray!

Don't forget to to cover the application costs.

Process Payment

Do you have any questions?