All of our Days, All of our Praise
Starting a new year can be filled with emotions. Excitement for what’s planned in the year ahead. Anxiety around the unknown. Hope for something to come to fruition. While I never got around to writing down my new year's resolutions – or “hopes” as I like to call them – these emotions were still felt as the calendar flipped from 2024 to 2025.
At Refugee Resources, navigating new beginnings is something we’ve grown accustomed to. Refugee families in the area are constantly moving in and out – so that means our students do as well.
Sui* is the third student I’ve had the opportunity to work with and learn from at Refugee Resources, following moves from two prior students. Over the past seven months, Sui has been committed to her Bible verse memorization, already memorizing over a dozen verses, and has begun reading out loud with confidence. Sui listens intently during our Bible story time, asks thoughtful questions, and looks for opportunities to learn from her peers.
When Sui and I began reading together, it quickly became evident how devoted Sui is – devoted to learning, helping others and loving her family. Van comes to Reading Circle each week ready to learn and stays focused on the content she’s working through, no matter how challenging. Whenever she is awarded a prize or given a snack, Sui almost always says “I’m bringing this back home to give to my brother.” Sui’s dedication to learning and her compassion towards others continue to be such a beautiful example to our Reading Circle students and mentors.
While working with our students is always a gift, one of my favorite parts of serving with Refugee Resources is getting to know our students’ families. The first day I picked up Sui from her apartment, her family welcomed me in. We sat together on their couch, in a one-bedroom apartment, days before her mom would give birth to their family’s third child. We smiled while working to get to know one another despite our language barrier. Sui translating her mom’s words to me and my words back to her.
There was nothing fancy about our interaction. On paper, our families are completely different. But when I look back on that evening we spent getting to know one another, it was an evening filled with joy and gratitude for how God was moving in our lives.
The refugee families we get to serve have experienced so much turmoil, yet they are some of the greatest examples of how to live joyfully. The happiness I see on our students and their families’ faces each week is a constant reminder of God’s great love for each of His children and the joy we should find in His abundant love.
As Lamentations 3:22-23 states, our God exudes love - “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
Consider those words – God’s love for us is bigger than we can fathom and His mercies are new every morning. Each day is a gift to use to praise God. To further His kingdom. To love all of our neighbors.
So as we begin 2025, are you living each day in a way that radiates the joy found in Christ? May you be reminded that He is an almighty, loving God, worthy of all of our praise, all of our days.
Written by: Chandler Durow
Edited by: Emily Thompson
*Student's name has been changed to protect privacy.